Above is the pile of string blocks before I trimmed them up to 8-1/2" blocks.
And here they are after. A nice stack of 60 string blocks, trimmed up nice and neat. And now I have tennis elbow from all the cutting! haha.
Tomorrow it's back to work. Going to try and not complain because I'm so lucky to have a job. I'm thankful for that! While I'm on the subject of what I'm thankful for, I want to add my wonderful family to that list. They are on top of it, that's for sure. God has certainly blessed me and I am grateful.
I also started to trim up those pesky 3-1/2" half square triangle blocks from step 2 of the mystery. Didn't get too far on that. And I know I did not accomplish my goal of getting through step four of the mystery, but that's okay. Those strings are done done and done. I'm behind on the mystery because clue 7 is out and I think there are only 8 or 9 total. I don't look at it as a race, though. I'm just having fun with it.
I'm really determined to make it completely from my stash. The red constant fabric is a challenge because I haven't found any red in my stash I really love for it. I'm going to just pick something that is the next best thing and go with it. Just as with my machine quilting ventures, this is not a museum piece. I'll keep telling myself that, anyway! haha.
I made the cornish game hens for dinner tonight. I stuffed them with a mixture of veggies. The stuffing was horrible. I didn't even put it on our plates. I should have browned the skin more on them, but other than those couple things, they were pretty good. We had roasted potatoes and corn with them. Didn't make a salad because Ev didn't want any. I made Nick some flat dumplings and warmed up the leftover sauerkraut for him to put over them. I had a little of that myself. Pretty good eats. Tomorrow it's back to my points and eating healthy. Playtime is over...sigh.
I've gotten sidetracked while doing the mystery with other sewing projects. I made the two tree skirts and a couple pot holders. I also made another set of waterbed sheets. I'm probably going to veer off course again and make a few pillowcases pretty soon. The thing with that is, I have to wash the material first. If I don't they will shrink and not fit our pillows.
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