See where little Miss Innocent puppy is laying? Ev went out the front door to run an errand and Ivy decided to lay down by the door and wait for him like a good little puppy. Right. Who does she think she is fooling? haha. See the corner of the pink chair? That's some of Destructo Dog's handiwork.
Okay, so yesterday I did something that I find totally natural to do, and Ev thinks I'm weird for it. I smiled at the dog. Wrigley was laying on the couch and I happened to look over at her, while she was looking at me, and I just smiled at her. Is that strange? I don't think so. He caught me doing it and says "did you just smile at the dog?" and of course I had to admit that I had just done that, yes. But seriously, I think dogs read our facial expressions and even if they don't, so what? I can smile at the dog if I want to....
Aren't these some odd looking clouds? We were driving home from breakfast this morning and there was this line of two different color clouds that looked so odd I just had to snap a pic. Plus, I thought they were pretty. Oh, and see our tall sweetgum tree by the house? It's one of the tallest in the neighborhood. It's a beautiful tree, but those little spiky balls are a real pain in the pattutie.
I finished the sewing on the string blocks and started pressing them. There are several that still need the paper torn off of them, but I'm making progress now! Not sure if I will complete the next step or not tomorrow, but just getting these blocks done is a big deal. They sure took a lot of time.
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