I finished clue number 4 in the mystery tonight. Sometimes I wonder if I have a math deficiency because I always seem to make too many pieces! This step called for 30 sets of pieces and I made 35! Oh well, better too many than not enough! Next I will start on step 5, which is all the half square triangles. I'll be doing them on paper. I have the materials picked out to make them with, but I'm going to make one page of test squares, just to be sure I get the right size pieces.
I'm sitting on the bed typing this and I have all four of the animals up here with me! Shadow Cat is laying on me purring up a storm, Cheetah Bear is laying against my side all snuggled up and taking a snooze, Ivy Jane is laying down by my feet dreaming of the next act of destruction she can commit, and Wrigley Lynn is snoring away with her paws twitching as she chases an elusive rabbit in her dreams. What a life....
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